
Welcome Savvy-Readers! I am an avid reader and I thought a great way to share my love for the written word is to write a blog. I will keep my posts short and with a page count so you can decide whether you have the time to spend on it. Have fun reading!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Hello Savvy-Readers, I am so sorry I haven't posted more!! I got caught up with school and community theater and whatnot, but I'm back! I will try to post at least once a week.

The Princess Bride- William Goldman

358 pages (there are more in the 30th anniversary edition but there are 358 pages in the main story)

A literary classic, The Princess Bride is not one for the faint of heart. There is a little something in it for everyone, Princesses, Peasant Girls, Swordsmanship, Torture, Armies, Weddings, and Pirates. If you want a more elaborated story than the one you have probably seen as a movie check it out.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Invisible- Andrea Cremer and David Levithan

358 pages

If you are looking for an unconventional romance book, look no further. Invisible by Andrea and David is the book for you. With everything from invisible boys to absent fathers this story will take new turns every time you flip a page. These authors keep the excitement going chapter after chapter, leaving you breathless even as you turn the final page.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Swan Kingdom- Zoe Marriott

253 pages

This is a re-telling of the classic "Swan Brothers" fairy tale. It is certainly a book for at least a teenage audience (It has a bit of violence and the main character goes through puberty) but it was very interesting. It did stray from the original in that it was much more focused on the girl and her magic rather than the brothers or the king (and of course it was quite a bit longer). I found it an overall enjoyable book.


Hello Savvy-Readers! I am Savvy and this blog will be basically a lot of books and short reviews on them. I have loved reading ever since I was a little girl and I hope this blog helps you all discover more exciting books!